Shape February - Day 7

I suspect that the mind, like the feet, works at about three miles an hour. If this is so, modern life is moving faster than the speed of thought, or thoughtfulness.
— Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust

Being thoughtful takes intentionality; being intentional takes thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness and intentionality go hand in hand. If we choose to live every day by adjusting to what life throws at us with no intention to be committed to cause something different in our work place, relationships, faith, health, we are blindly throwing darts at the bullseye. We will tend to miss the mark more often than not, because we do not take the time to slow down enough to be thoughtful and intentional. 

Everything in me right now wants to plow through my work day, agenda, to-do lists, but I cannot say it is with great intentionality or thoughtfulness when I choose to plow through my day. Instead of plowing through the work first, I choose to center myself towards what really matters. What do we really want to take away from this day? What are we really committed to cause? 

I feel that there is so much that we put off based on laziness or not wanting to face reality - the reality of our health, relationships, finances, so instead we put our heads in the sand and blindly throw the darts once again. 

I encourage you today to take your head out of the sand and engage with your day with more intention and thoughtfulness. There are so many needs around us that get overlooked, because we are so lost in the speed of our fast-paced world. We do not have to operate at that kind of speed where important details of our day and the needs of others are missed. Give yourself permission to slow down, so you can create a time and space to embrace intentionality and harbor thoughtfulness. 


1) Slow down.

2) Being thoughtful takes intention. Being intentional takes thoughtfulness. 


38 Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
— Luke 10:38-42 NASB


1) Where is a time in your day that you could slow down enough to be intentional and thoughtful? 

2) What are the areas in your life that you avoid and put your head in the sand? Commit to one intentional action that you can do that is proactive and that is a step forward? 

3) Sit at Jesus' feet today even if you are facing a long and busy day. Pick the "good part" by slowing down, so you can get filled back up. 



Shape February - Day 5

Stop relying on your strength...The water is here for you. It’s stronger than you are. Let it do the work. Try again this time with less you and more water.
— Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner

Right now, I am taking my time reading a book called Chasing Slow by Eric Loechner, and I am soaking so much from it. I am finding myself enjoying moments rather than rushing to the plans that I think will create worthy memories. Every moment is a gift, and we miss out on so much, because we are always chasing more and not giving ourselves permission to live in contentment. I find myself living 10 years ahead in my mind, and living with that kind of stress and worry about the future is not a way to live.

Erin speaks about this feeling of needing to "paddle fast enough" to "overcome life's ambiguity with sheer will, force of mind" (Loechner). We were not called to live with the pressure of forging success in our lives. This is pressure that we should not live with, and I believe it is not God's heart for us to live with this much anxiety and stress. 

Erin has embraced such a refreshing mentality: 

"I begin to learn to allow things to happen as they are, rather than how I want them to be. I begin to learn quite simply, the art of peace" (Loechner).

Sometimes when we accept the ambiguity of life, we can then experience the peace of God; we are no longer paddling against the waves, trying to force it to behave a certain way to give the results and outcomes that we want. We are letting the water do its natural work. We trust that it will carry us - stopping the frantic swimming. Allow God to be God in your life by letting go of the need to have full control or having everything figured out so far in advance. Enjoy the journey by trusting that God will carry you through. 


1. God desires to carry us through whatever we are facing. We just need to let go and let God be God by allowing yourself to be carried. 


But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
— John 4:14


1) Many people may see the act of surrender in water as weakness, but it is the first step to be carried. What is an area in your life that you can give up the control and constant anxiety?

2) How can you trust God to carry you more in this area? What can you do to be carried more by Him in this area?

Shape February - Day 3

As I was being shuttled to my car after work yesterday, I was talking with one of my colleagues about how this week has gone far better than the last. She asked me why, and as I began to think about it, it dawned on me that I have made it a point to live every day a moment at a time. I kept my focus on having a more positive perspective, and this had made all the difference.

I was telling her that I choose to give my everything in that moment, in that task, with that person. We pull ourselves so thin when we live elsewhere in our minds, when we live in the future or past, when we live so distracted with worrying or anger about wanting to be somewhere else in a different season. We miss out on so much, and being pulled so thin is so exhausting and tiring. It was so interesting reaching the end of my work week not experiencing burn out or feeling like I needed to retreat to my room for some "me time". I am not experiencing any of those things. 

My colleague said such a powerful statement:

Your perspective can either energize you or deflate you.

This statement rings so true, and I wanted to encourage you today to shift your perspective and be all in with what you are doing and who you around. Don't live in a different place or time in your mind. Don't burn yourself out with "should ofs" or "could ofs" or hypothetical scenarios. Simply, be in this moment.


1) Be completely invested with all attention to the now and present, so you can experience it fully. 


1) How can you be more invested and connected to the moments in your day?
2) What part of your perspective needs to change, so you can fully enjoy your day for what it is?

Shape February - Day 2

How do we go about making every day meaningful? How do we consistently live intentionally and with purpose? 

I know living is a busy ordeal by itself. We have jobs to report to, dreams to bring to pass, relationships to invest in, bills to pay - the list goes on and on. This year, I have been taking an inventory of what makes me happy and fulfilled. Some times the steps to get there are not easy or the most comfortable. When I begin to think about those things what seems to bombard my mind are the times this year that I have compromised time to do the very things that make me happy and fulfilled.

I want to encourage you today to live today taking steps in the areas or tasks that make you fulfilled, that breathe life and propel your dreams forward. Do not give up if you have dropped the ball so early in the year. Every day is a new day; we just need to believe that for ourselves. 


1) It is never too late to start again. 

2) Do not compromise time on the very things that fulfill you even if they take time and cause discomfort at times.


20 But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?
— James 2:20 NASB


1) Reflect and take an inventory in your life about 2-3 tasks that make you happy. Figure out how you can invest time to these tasks.

2) How can you make more room in your schedule to accomplish these tasks that bring your life meaning and fulfillment? 

Shape February - Day 1

Living fast paced is something Californians get conditioned with. I have lived a life of speed going from achievement to the next achievement, to accolade to the next accolade. Where do we stop and smell the roses that life blooms? It was not until recently that I have learned to slow down and simply enjoy life. As a child and a teenager, I was a natural performer. I enjoyed entertaining and making people happy. It was not until I found out that I would sacrifice myself, my self-worth and value, for a good laugh or to be in good terms with someone.

Where does the race start and begin? When did anyone ever tell me that I would strive for perfection, and this drive would leave me feeling empty and so dry? We need to be reminded that we are more than our achievements and accolades!

Just this week, I started a book called Chasing Slow: Courage to Journey Off the Beaten Path by Erin Loechner. I am in the middle of reading it, and instead of speed reading like I tend to do, I am choosing to "chase slow". What does this look like? 

Honestly, I got the chance to apply this idea of "chasing slow" in my church's prayer night. My pastor spoke about the power of confession, and at the time, my mind was so pre-occupied with doing. I was dismissing and filtering his message, because in my mind, I had better things, more productive things to do, than to pray or confess. Believe me, was I wrong. 

He challenged us to confess to those in our prayer group and share any confessions we had to receive their support, care, and love in prayer. I am so conditioned like many other Californians to speed through life, to get to the weekend or the next vacation, to get that task done. We miss out on so much, because we are on the chase for more never less.

During the prayer time, I took time to slow down and be in the moment. I was able to really see others for what they were going through. I was able to hear their prayer, their heart, because I was all there. I was not somewhere else thinking of how to accomplish my entire to-do list. I was in that moment, and it felt good! I did not feel like I was mindlessly or heartlessly jumping from one task to another. I was all there, all present.

When do we ever give ourselves permission to be ALL there with those around us? I encourage you today to chase slow instead of more. Slow down and be with the people around you and give your tasks your full effort and attention. Be amazed on what God does when we choose to live life not divided or distracted.


1) God is more interested in us being all here instead of mindlessly and heartlessly being everywhere.

2) Less is sometimes more. 


Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
— Proverbs 16:3 NIV


1) What are areas in your life that you tend to not be fully present? How could you be more present in those moments?

2) What is an area that you can chase slow instead of chasing more? 

Shape Day 31

Progression does not happen over night, because it is a process. Being sore after a work out is the evidence that our body is getting stronger. Feeling disconnected from a friend because schedules are not lining up is evidence that we indeed care and value this relationship. Every new day is evidence that God got us through yesterday. 

I wanted to encourage you today to see God in the everyday, no matter if it is major or minor. Sometimes we can beat ourselves up when we do not see monumental change in our family, job, relationships, ministry, health. Growth and progression take time, patience, and persistence. 

What are the areas or relationships in your life that you have given up on? Were you believing to reconcile with a friend? Were you believing to live a healthier and stronger active lifestyle? Were you desiring to apply yourself more in your spiritual journey? 

All of these beautiful endeavors will cause pain and discomfort at times, but we must not scoff or misinterpret the evidence within the progress and process; don't give up. Do not grow weary in doing good for God, others, and yourself. Choose to be patient in the season you are in. Be patient with the progress, trust God's process, and embrace the evidence. 


1) Progression is a process that sometimes yields evidence that causes discomfort or pain. 

2) Do not misinterpret the premature evidence of a process and progress that you just started. Do not give up. 


11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
— Hebrews 11:1 KJV


1) Just because you may not be able to see progress, does not mean that it is not there. What is some evidence in your life that proves progression and growth in your life? 

2) How could we identify and celebrate more on this evidence no matter if it is major or minor? 

3) What is an area that you can't find evidence for? How could you work in this area more in your life? 

Shape Day 30

I wanted to encourage you this beautiful Monday morning to not grow weary in the waiting process. Mondays tend to be a time where we reset our countdown for Friday, and we begin the week feeling down that another work week is ahead of us. Mondays do not need to be dreadful or a drag. I desire for us to view the beginning of the week as a worthwhile journey that we should soak up and enjoy. Yes, we may be waiting for the weekend or our next vacation, but why be miserable in the miraculous act of living.

Maybe, you are waiting for a new job, a baby, a family member to be healed. I encourage you today to find hope by silently, patiently waiting on God. Do not miss out on the gift of the present moment by rushing through it or even zoning out. Today is a gift no matter the circumstance or your current job. Find and scope out the gems within this day. Life is a gift. 

As we live this journey this week, choose to trust God in those moments of frustration or exhaustion. Pour your heart out to Him. Pour out the discontentment. Pour out to God the reason of needing to rush through the week. After pouring it out, trust that He will meet your present need moment to moment, and simply, enjoy this beautiful day. 


1) Mondays do not need to be day where we grieve and mourn for the weekend; choose to enjoy every facet of the journey.

2) Wait on God, trust Him with everything, and pour your heart to Him. 


5 My soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
7 On God my salvation and my glory rest;
The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
8 Trust in Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah.
— Psalms 62:5-8 NASB


1) Try not to look at your day as an entire week. What do you need to do or be today? Focus on doing and being just that. 

2) Look at your week in a bird's eye view, and scope out your week ahead of time. What does your work flow look like? Where is some precious time that you can dedicate to spend time with God to be recharged and refilled for your journey?


Shape Day 29

I woke a bit heavy hearted this morning. I looked to God for comfort, for the okay, the right of passage, to start again. I desire for us to start this week new and refreshed. What does it look like to start new in relationships, career, ministry?

It begins with being in the presence of God. When I began to slow down, and be still; this is where I began to recognize and experience God. We are so good with being busy. Being a part of a mobile church who sets up and tears down every service, being busy is the only way to prepare for a church service in the natural. Sometimes getting away from busyness is not an option, but I think there is unnecessary busyness that we can give up and take a break from. My part, my job in the setting up process this morning was complete, so I took the time and extra effort to say no to the unnecessary, so I could spend time with God. It wasn't in busily praying or doing works in ministry that I found Him, it was in the stillness that He was found.

I love the story of Elijah, the prophet, where he is at his most desperate time, feeling like all was lost. He was fearing for his life and seeking God for an answer. He was told to go to the mountain in the presence of God.

Powerful wind broke through; God was not in that.

There was a ground-breaking earthquake; God was not in that.

Fire; God was not in that.

In a gentle and quiet whisper, it was in this that Elijah found God. 

God is in the simple, undistracted moments.

He is not only moving in powerfully winded services.

He does not only move in chaotic catastrophes or moments of distress.

He does not only move when we are being burned out by life.

I encourage you today to find God in the stillness and quiet. Slow down from your busy rhythm. God desires to guide us to still waters and green pastures. We just need to slow down enough to hear his gentle and quiet whisper.


1) God can be found at all times.

2) God is not only in the winds, earthquakes, and fires of life; He is also in the stillness and quiet.


There he went into a cave and spent the night. And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?
— 1 Kings 19:9-13 NIV
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his nameʼs sake.
— Psalm 23:1-3 NIV


1) Do something today to take a break from busyness, search and find God in the stillness and quiet.

2) How could you make more time for still and quiet moments with God to be led to quiet waters and green pastures?

Shape Day 28

For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and glory forever.
Be the Love.
He is here.
I am here and, I am now.
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

Hearing people's stories about their lives is the first step to build community. Community is not only in church events that are designed for human connection to happen. Community is built when stories are spontaneously exchanged - nothing forced, no expectations, no judgments. God is in all moments. God are in the moments that we least expect Him to be in; we just need to recognize that He is here.

I encourage you today to be present with the people around you whether they are your loved ones, acquaintances, or complete strangers. Every person on this planet is going through something. There are so many times that we see the cars we are drive next to as obstacles and nuisances, because they are in our way; they are the cause and the reason for traffic. The very cars we get upset at or cut off on the freeway have real people with real problems in them. Lets recognize God's Kingdom by being a vehicle and conduit of His love by treating those around us with the same compassion and attention we desire when we go through tough times. Hear people's stories with an open heart and warm and comfort them with your light.

Today, meditate on God's kingdom, power, and glory. Find ways to build community. It begins with the shift of seeing all people as people with real problems, struggles, and heartache. If an opportunity arises, draw near and bring the warmth, resources, a listening ear, genuine heart with you. 


1) Bring heaven on earth by building community wherever you are. 

2) Warm and comfort others by being open to opportunities of community anywhere and any time. 


 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3:1-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬


1) How can you build community wherever you go? 

2) What attitudes may need to change in order to be a light that warms, comforts, and guides others? 



Shape Day 27

But deliver us from evil
To self-serve
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

As our weekday comes to a close and the weekend is around the corner, let's reflect on how we showed up this week. Did we stay committed to our promises? Did we push to grow without catering to comfort? 

We may look at these questions and grumble to ourselves about some broken commitments we have made or there may be some of you that have kept your word to yourself, and I celebrate with you! I desire to encourage the discouraged by reminding you that "living today in yesterday's negativity or baggage will only way you down".

I encourage you today to not be controlled by fear of the unknown or be paralyzed by the fear of taking risks. 

Do not be medicated by hate. Don't allow people's actions or words get under your skin. Why give people or circumstances that much power? 

Do not be blinded by judgment where possibilities dwindle and opportunities are lost?

Do not pacified by anger? When we act upon our anger towards others, it does not help the situation. 

Do not hold on to resentment? It is only hurting you. It is like drinking a poison hoping that it would hurt the other person. 

Do not be provoked by arrogance? We do not know it all, and it is okay. Surrender the need to be right, look good, feel good, and be in control.

Give up the need to be served. Choose to serve others by giving up your right to have it your way all the time. 


1) There are evil tendencies that try to sway us into acting upon them, but we can live above them, because of God's grace and the reality that God has made us good. 

2) The fight is not against people. It is against evil tendencies, spiritual forces. 


10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
— Ephesians 6:10-13 NASB


1) Meditate on "deliver us from evil" by reflecting on the areas that you can work in. Receive the grace for this area, and do not allow yesterday's negativity bleed into this brand new day. 

2) Who or what do you have conflict with the most? How could we make our fight less against people and more about the spiritual tendencies that try to sway us every day?  

Shape Day 26

Lead us not into temptation
To grow
our character
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

Have you ever set yourself up for failure? Whether you were on a special health program, and you were your own accomplice in sneaking in those carbs. Maybe, you knew were living in unforgiveness and you acted upon it towards someone by being unloving towards them. 

Writing everyday has truly become a mirror. I find that I am looking into myself a lot more. I consistently ask myself how I could apply the very things I am writing. Honestly, there are days that I feel that I am living what I am writing, but then there are others days that I become my own accomplice to my own demise and compromises. 

We know what will tempt us to act out of anger or to break promises to ourselves. We know the people, the environment, the how and why to our demise, so why do we look or tempt temptation by premeditating our own failure. You are worth keeping promises to yourself.

I began the last two weeks so strong with living a healthier lifestyle with living more active and eating healthier, but just recently I have been making compromises - breaking promises to myself. I began to ask myself who benefits in the long run, and no one does not even myself. I have to live back with the same disappointment and frustration that made me want to make the promise in the first place.

I pray that today you be awakened to the ways that we are blinded by temptation that we subconsciously at times welcome. Let's meditate on "lead us not into temptation" in a way that wakes us up to the compromises and justifications we make when we miss the mark in areas that we are striving to grow in. When we begin to see those areas, instead of running away or hiding, let's soak up the grace to grow our character.

Grace is truly the key to stop breaking promises to ourselves and God. Grace is what empowers us to get back up and pick up that commitment once again. Today is a new day that is full of grace and mercy. Pick up where you started. 


1) Temptation is everywhere. We need to guard our hearts and minds to stay mindful of keeping the promises we make to ourselves, others, and God. 

2) When you fall, fall forward by receiving the grace and mercy that is already there. 


22 It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.
— Lamentations 3:22-23 AMPC


1) Since today is January 26, 2017, what is a commitment that you wanted to complete this new year that you may have dropped? How could you pick up where you started?

2) What are ways that you are your own accomplice to your own demise? How could you be more mindful to keep promises to yourself, others, and God? 

Shape Day 25

Forgive us our debts as we forgive those that have trespassed against us
Let it go
To let it flow
Live to love
I will repay says the Lord”
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

It is truly insane how reserved we can get based on the grudges we hold against others. What does a life lived without restraints on love look like? Forgiveness is a process, so when we live in a state of letting go and letting love flow, I think this is where we begin living to love and living in love. 

Meditate on ''forgiveness" today. Live in the reality that forgiveness is an exchange, a constant give and take, whether it be offering patience to an impatient person or loving a person that is difficult to love. Even in the moment, strive to let go of distasteful first or even second impressions. I truly believe you will begin feeling less burdened when we see living in forgiveness as a moment to moment process in our lives. Letting go does not look like avoiding that person. Letting go of bad impressions looks like intentionally engaging and choosing to not judge that person. Let go of past stories, the bad taste that person might have left in your mouth.

I am striving to do the same to live this out. It is exponentially difficult when you feel misunderstood or judged. Unfortunately, genuine love and thoughtful care can not naturally flow out of a person that is consumed with biases and ulterior motives. If there is a part of you that wished that you could have been treated better by certain people, then be the change you want to see with that person and with the people around you. 

Let's strive to be the light that guides and does not blind. Many times, we use our identity as a Christian to either swing the pendulum of grace to far to the right or left. We are called to be light, not a muffled spark that blows out by any slight wind of conflicted interests. We are not called to be light that blinds people with rigid rules that suffocate any fresh breath of grace. Be the light that warms and brings comfort but also guides people back home.

Shine bright to help people out of their darkness; shine with grace to not blind.

Be light by showing others what "different" really looks like. Let's have the world know us by our capacity and quality in the way we love.


1) God calls us to guide and not blind others with our light. 

2) Begin by guiding others by simply being a conduit of love. Let go of any judgments or presuppositions. 


34-35 “Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.
— John 13:34-35 MSG


1) Think of the people that you have built walls against or have old stories that you play in your mind. How could you let go of these stories?

2) How can you engage with people in a way that positions you to be a light that guides them in their journey? 

3) What are ways to find a better balance of being guiding light rather than blinding light? 


Shape Day 24

Give us this day our daily bread
Live for today
Don’t worry about tomorrow
Fulfillment in Your presence
Not from a paycheck
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

I remember when my husband and I were dating, and we could seriously make $20 last for an entire weekend if we knew that was all we had. We were content with just being together no matter if we took peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to Disneyland or we walked down the free piers of Newport Beach. We did not seem to be consumed with worry or discontentment to need more than each other. Now, money seems to be something that falls through our fingers, because we have become accustomed with needing and consuming more.

Just recently, my husband and I have been re-evaluating our values in our marriage, and we are excited that this year, we are committed to down-sizing and revaluing what is really important to us. We are relearning to be content with what is already freely given. I have been finding myself being recaptured with the beauty of sunsets. I have been finding that the simplicity of conversations with my loved ones is far more satisfying than needing to go on a shopping spree. I am finding that my heart is finding contentment by the little things in life again. I no longer need to be "wowed" by materialistic gain or wealth. 

I encourage you today to meditate on "Give us this day our daily bread" in the Lord's Prayer. Rely and rest in God's provision and providence. When your heart becomes soothed by this reality that God will give you all that you "need" today, your job is to simply live for today and don't worry about tomorrow. I am not saying do not prepare for our future, but we don't need to live in tomorrow or a year from now. There is so much we miss out when we stress and worry about our weekly or yearly bread - wondering if God is going to provide then. God calls us to trust him in the everyday from moment to moment. 

Finally, I encourage you to rest in this: 

There’s fulfillment in Your presence not from a paycheck.

Get in the presence of God by simply recognizing that the Divine is surely in this place right where you work, right where you are. The diploma, your job description, or the amount of your salary is not what brings fulfillment. I truly believe that true fulfillment comes from living in connection to God, the Divine Love of this world. 

1) God is here in the now, so trust in the daily bread that He will provide today.

2) True fulfillment comes in His presence not from a paycheck.


What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

34 “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
— Matthew 6:32-34 MSG
15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” 16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”
— Genesis 28:15-16 NASB


1) How could you live out and rest in "Give us this day our daily bread"? 

2) How could you live more for today and stress less about tomorrow?

Shape Day 23

Today is Monday, and it is so easy to get into work mode and bypass the beauty and wonder in this beautiful day. 

Today's meditation will focus on "On earth as it is in heaven" of the Lord's prayer. When I got into my classroom this morning, I instantly wanted to busily work as if I could beat time to the end of the day, but in reality, each moment, each second of the day, is a gift. 

On earth as it is in heaven
What is Your heart?
What are Your dreams?
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

I encourage you today to ask the following questions: What is Your heart, God? What are Your dreams, Jesus? Don't miss out on what God desires to do through you and for you today by jumping in on the work grind. Choose to take some time to seek God right where you are at even if you feel that there is not enough time in the day for all that you need to do. I truly believe that when we put God's plans and heart ahead of our own, He is a multiplier of time and productivity. 
I found it so interesting that as I began to slow down and truly contemplated the type of day I wanted, that is when I felt that my day was being led to a different speed - a speed that is more enjoyable and not as exhaustible. Go at God's pace today. 


1) God's way of being for our lives was not to live a life more speedily or stressed. He desired to give us abundant living.


10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].
— John 10:10 AMP
10 Now He who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will provide and multiply your seed for sowing [that is, your resources] and increase the harvest of your righteousness [which shows itself in active goodness, kindness, and love].
— 2 Corinthians 9:10 AMP

1) Begin this Monday by slowing down and seek and reflect on the type of day God desires to have with you.

2) Recognize that God does have dreams and hopes for this day, so how can you be a part, a conduit, a channel, for those hopes and dreams to come to pass? 

Shape Day 22

Your will be done
Not what I feel
Not me in control
Not my right
Not my looks
What You feel
You be in control
Your right
Your looks
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

When do we ever begin our week with the awareness that God has an ultimate plan and a hope for those that we come in contact with? Most of the time we tend to start off the week either moaning and groaning about what we "have" to do or we may start our week pumped to complete our goals that we "get" to do. Either way, it is still all about us. We focus so much of our time, energy, and resources on what makes us feel good, look good, be right, or be in control.

I desire to encourage you to meditate on "Your will be done". Try to begin your mornings, setting your "groanings" or goals aside, and begin to reflect and emulate this verse. 

Surrender your desire to feel good. Welcome discomfort, because growth in an area takes sacrifice and suffering. Be okay with not feeling good in areas that you are growing in. Focus on how this growth, this momentary discomfort, will bring fulfillment later on. I truly believe God will fill you up with all you lack. Make God feel proud when we choose to lay down our feel good.

Surrender your look good and contemplate how God can look good and attractive through the way you love. Spend maybe less time on your morning routine where we get caught up with how we look and if we are pleasing others through our appearance. Surrender, spend more time on how God can look good through the way you love, the quality in which you care and serve others. 

Surrender your be right. Let go of the need to be right all the time. It is okay to not have it all together or not fully understand everything that goes on in your life. Allow God to be right in your life by surrendering to what is right. My pastor always told me it is not about "who is right but what is right, so love what is right". 

Finally, surrender your need to be in control. Life is extremely unpredictable, so having control at times seems to secure us in the midst of this reality. Make room for God's will by being okay in having less control in your life. 

I encourage you to emulate and meditate on "Your will be done" today and choosing to let go of your need to look good, feel good, be right, and be in control. I think this is one step closer to walking along side God's plan for us and those around us. 

1) Begin your day with surrendering your way to make room for God's way. 

2) God is interested in our character and growth, so try to surrender your discomfort.


3 And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance; 4 and endurance, proven character (spiritual maturity); and proven character, hope and confident assurance [of eternal salvation]. 5 Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us, because God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
— Romans 3:3-5 AMP


1) What are some areas that you need to surrender in (look good, feel good, be right, be in control)?

2) How could you be more sensitive to what God desires to do in the everyday?


Shape Day 21

9 Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 ‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’
— Matthew 6:9-13 NASB

We have been focusing on the Lord's Prayer this last week, and today we will be focusing on "Your Kingdom come".

Your Kingdom come
Your expansion
Your promotion
Your magnitude
Your fame
Your Name
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

I want to encourage you today to focus your time, energy, and focus on expanding God's kingdom. As I was meditating on this part of the Lord's prayer of His Kingdom come, I instantly began to recognize that I needed to make the focus on Him, His expansion and His promotion. I think so many times in our lives we do strive for our own expansion and promotion in this life - what benefits us. I think if we shifted our focus on what would expand God's vision for our life, our church, our family, our career, I think we would find ourselves doing things that benefits and serves those around us. The beauty in selfless service is that we also benefit from loving others; the love we give becomes reciprocated where God fills us up again. 

Asking for God's Kingdom to come and flourish in our lives calls for us to live in a way that magnifies His fame and Name in our lives. There are plenty of days that I live for myself. I think simply asking God how could I bring a piece of heaven on earth here in this day would make me more sensitive to the needs around me. I encourage you today to allow His Kingdom to come in your life. 


1) Allowing God's Kingdom to come and flourish in our lives is being willing to focus our time and energy on His expansion, promotion, magnitude, fame, and Name. 


30-33 “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.

34 “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
— Matthew 6:30-34 MSG


1) Take time today to ask God how you could allow His Kingdom to come in your life.

2) What is something you can do to be more sensitive to the needs around you? 

Shape Day 20

9 Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 ‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’
— Matthew 6:9-13 NASB

I had the most enlightening and inspiring connection group last night. It is a group of us that meet every Thursday night in our home, and we have a discussion on a central topic that challenges and puts us in a position to wrestle with areas in our faith that we question and doubt. Last night, we had some questions that opened a plethora of dialogue about different ideas and beliefs. It was so beautiful to see all the different voices and ideas engaging with the idea if God listens to our prayers, if He has our best interest at heart, and how do we really pray in His will. Honestly, I am not hear to write to tell you an answer to all of these things, because quite frankly, I do not have the final say on any of the above issues nor do I have the answer. I desire to empower and instill some of the freedom that I walked away with from last night's discussion, and it revolves around the third meditation phrase in the Lord's Prayer - "Hallowed be Your name". 

A friend of mine shared his ideas about praying in God's will, and he said something that I feel is so true. When is the last time that we asked God to break our heart for what breaks His? Honestly, when we think about our prayer lives, sometimes our prayers become nags or empty requests that we toss at Him every so often or maybe your prayer life is sincere and deep, but it focuses on your needs and desires. We need to ask more God-centered questions:

What breaks Your heart?

What is something that I can do to fulfill Your hopes and dreams for this world?

How could I love You and others better? 

When I began to meditate on the "Hallowed be your name", instant praise began to permeate off my lips:

Hallowed be Your Name
I love You
Be lifted higher
More of You and less of us
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

Hallowed means to honor as holy, sacred, and set apart. When I began to think of this action, the word blessed came to heart. So many times, we want to live a blessed life, and this is what drives our prayer life, actions, and goals. I began to turn the tables and shift my attitude of my heart - bless God.

Soul, my way of being, my capacity of loving, everything in me bless God. Instead of asking Him to consistently bless me, so I can feel good. How about I bless Him, so He can feel good and His dreams can come to pass? It made the character of God so much more relatable; He felt closer. 

God, oh, how I love You. 

This phrase, "I love You" on its own carries such a heavy presence especially when we adorn God with this phrase. I felt that "I love you" was the only phrase in the English language to hallow God's name in the way that He deserves. I know this phrase, "I love you" is thrown around to express a sweet fancy to our pets, to show passion to our spouse, to show how committed we are to a brand. I desire to redeem this phrase and allow it to bear a heavier weight in my life and in my relationship with God and others.

I desire for God to be lifted higher. Higher than my wants, needs, and dreams. I feel that when we ask for higher, more loftier things in life, He calls us to a higher standard of living, a higher quality of love that we offer to others. I encourage you today to lift God higher than what you want or need for yourself in the moment. Honestly, this place of humility is where God esteems and lifts up our head and fills our heart. 

In the act of hallowing God, His being, the mentality that seemed right was to have a mentality of desiring more of Him and less of me. Honestly, when we make our lives more about God and others, we have the capacity to carry other people's concerns and needs and follow through with compassion or random acts of kindness, because we are no longer consumed and busy with serving ourselves. Let's embody the mentality of more of You and less of us. 

Hallowed be Your name!

1) In order to hallow God, it takes choosing to bless Him rather than just being blessed; it takes adorning Him with love, attention, and engagement; it takes lifting His needs and desires higher than our own; it takes making it more about Him and less about ourselves. 

2) Hallowing God is a good first step of hearing His heart to guide your prayer life and to empower you for intentional and desperately needed acts of compassion and love for others.


Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name.
— Matthew 6:9 AMPC


1) How could we seek the heart of God more in our prayer life? How can we make our prayer life more God-centered?

2) How can we stay in a constant act of hallowing God's name throughout our day?