Shape Day 22

Your will be done
Not what I feel
Not me in control
Not my right
Not my looks
What You feel
You be in control
Your right
Your looks
— The Lord's Prayer Spoken Word by Lauren Cancio

When do we ever begin our week with the awareness that God has an ultimate plan and a hope for those that we come in contact with? Most of the time we tend to start off the week either moaning and groaning about what we "have" to do or we may start our week pumped to complete our goals that we "get" to do. Either way, it is still all about us. We focus so much of our time, energy, and resources on what makes us feel good, look good, be right, or be in control.

I desire to encourage you to meditate on "Your will be done". Try to begin your mornings, setting your "groanings" or goals aside, and begin to reflect and emulate this verse. 

Surrender your desire to feel good. Welcome discomfort, because growth in an area takes sacrifice and suffering. Be okay with not feeling good in areas that you are growing in. Focus on how this growth, this momentary discomfort, will bring fulfillment later on. I truly believe God will fill you up with all you lack. Make God feel proud when we choose to lay down our feel good.

Surrender your look good and contemplate how God can look good and attractive through the way you love. Spend maybe less time on your morning routine where we get caught up with how we look and if we are pleasing others through our appearance. Surrender, spend more time on how God can look good through the way you love, the quality in which you care and serve others. 

Surrender your be right. Let go of the need to be right all the time. It is okay to not have it all together or not fully understand everything that goes on in your life. Allow God to be right in your life by surrendering to what is right. My pastor always told me it is not about "who is right but what is right, so love what is right". 

Finally, surrender your need to be in control. Life is extremely unpredictable, so having control at times seems to secure us in the midst of this reality. Make room for God's will by being okay in having less control in your life. 

I encourage you to emulate and meditate on "Your will be done" today and choosing to let go of your need to look good, feel good, be right, and be in control. I think this is one step closer to walking along side God's plan for us and those around us. 

1) Begin your day with surrendering your way to make room for God's way. 

2) God is interested in our character and growth, so try to surrender your discomfort.


3 And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance; 4 and endurance, proven character (spiritual maturity); and proven character, hope and confident assurance [of eternal salvation]. 5 Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us, because God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
— Romans 3:3-5 AMP


1) What are some areas that you need to surrender in (look good, feel good, be right, be in control)?

2) How could you be more sensitive to what God desires to do in the everyday?