As I was being shuttled to my car after work yesterday, I was talking with one of my colleagues about how this week has gone far better than the last. She asked me why, and as I began to think about it, it dawned on me that I have made it a point to live every day a moment at a time. I kept my focus on having a more positive perspective, and this had made all the difference.
I was telling her that I choose to give my everything in that moment, in that task, with that person. We pull ourselves so thin when we live elsewhere in our minds, when we live in the future or past, when we live so distracted with worrying or anger about wanting to be somewhere else in a different season. We miss out on so much, and being pulled so thin is so exhausting and tiring. It was so interesting reaching the end of my work week not experiencing burn out or feeling like I needed to retreat to my room for some "me time". I am not experiencing any of those things.
My colleague said such a powerful statement:
“Your perspective can either energize you or deflate you. ”
This statement rings so true, and I wanted to encourage you today to shift your perspective and be all in with what you are doing and who you around. Don't live in a different place or time in your mind. Don't burn yourself out with "should ofs" or "could ofs" or hypothetical scenarios. Simply, be in this moment.
1) Be completely invested with all attention to the now and present, so you can experience it fully.
1) How can you be more invested and connected to the moments in your day?
2) What part of your perspective needs to change, so you can fully enjoy your day for what it is?