“Lead us not into temptation
To grow
our character”
Have you ever set yourself up for failure? Whether you were on a special health program, and you were your own accomplice in sneaking in those carbs. Maybe, you knew were living in unforgiveness and you acted upon it towards someone by being unloving towards them.
Writing everyday has truly become a mirror. I find that I am looking into myself a lot more. I consistently ask myself how I could apply the very things I am writing. Honestly, there are days that I feel that I am living what I am writing, but then there are others days that I become my own accomplice to my own demise and compromises.
We know what will tempt us to act out of anger or to break promises to ourselves. We know the people, the environment, the how and why to our demise, so why do we look or tempt temptation by premeditating our own failure. You are worth keeping promises to yourself.
I began the last two weeks so strong with living a healthier lifestyle with living more active and eating healthier, but just recently I have been making compromises - breaking promises to myself. I began to ask myself who benefits in the long run, and no one does not even myself. I have to live back with the same disappointment and frustration that made me want to make the promise in the first place.
I pray that today you be awakened to the ways that we are blinded by temptation that we subconsciously at times welcome. Let's meditate on "lead us not into temptation" in a way that wakes us up to the compromises and justifications we make when we miss the mark in areas that we are striving to grow in. When we begin to see those areas, instead of running away or hiding, let's soak up the grace to grow our character.
Grace is truly the key to stop breaking promises to ourselves and God. Grace is what empowers us to get back up and pick up that commitment once again. Today is a new day that is full of grace and mercy. Pick up where you started.
1) Temptation is everywhere. We need to guard our hearts and minds to stay mindful of keeping the promises we make to ourselves, others, and God.
2) When you fall, fall forward by receiving the grace and mercy that is already there.
“22 It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.”
1) Since today is January 26, 2017, what is a commitment that you wanted to complete this new year that you may have dropped? How could you pick up where you started?
2) What are ways that you are your own accomplice to your own demise? How could you be more mindful to keep promises to yourself, others, and God?