Shape Day 31

Progression does not happen over night, because it is a process. Being sore after a work out is the evidence that our body is getting stronger. Feeling disconnected from a friend because schedules are not lining up is evidence that we indeed care and value this relationship. Every new day is evidence that God got us through yesterday. 

I wanted to encourage you today to see God in the everyday, no matter if it is major or minor. Sometimes we can beat ourselves up when we do not see monumental change in our family, job, relationships, ministry, health. Growth and progression take time, patience, and persistence. 

What are the areas or relationships in your life that you have given up on? Were you believing to reconcile with a friend? Were you believing to live a healthier and stronger active lifestyle? Were you desiring to apply yourself more in your spiritual journey? 

All of these beautiful endeavors will cause pain and discomfort at times, but we must not scoff or misinterpret the evidence within the progress and process; don't give up. Do not grow weary in doing good for God, others, and yourself. Choose to be patient in the season you are in. Be patient with the progress, trust God's process, and embrace the evidence. 


1) Progression is a process that sometimes yields evidence that causes discomfort or pain. 

2) Do not misinterpret the premature evidence of a process and progress that you just started. Do not give up. 


11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
— Hebrews 11:1 KJV


1) Just because you may not be able to see progress, does not mean that it is not there. What is some evidence in your life that proves progression and growth in your life? 

2) How could we identify and celebrate more on this evidence no matter if it is major or minor? 

3) What is an area that you can't find evidence for? How could you work in this area more in your life?