“To hear a new song
It takes tuning out the old
It takes stopping the old song
The bad habits
The insanity - doing the same thing, but expecting different results
The routine
The same old stories
Glass is half empty
Same crap just different day
Be still and hear the song of
Breathing and living
Hear the new song
Partake and sing the
New habits
On purpose
Glass is half full
Different day with different results
Trust in your song
Trust its novelty
Trust God in His creativity
Your individuality
Have courage
Sing it out
Live it loud
Sing your new song”
If we were to describe life as a song, what would your life radiate? What it sound like a lament? Or would it be a song of joy and hope? Would it have characteristics of a sonata or a symphony? What kind of song does your life sing? Many of us look back at 2016 irritated and drained from the same repetitive and monotonic song that our life emulated. We desire something different and alive.
It begins with living life differently. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. How can our lives sing a different song if we are playing the same instrument with the same attitude, and singing the same lyrics? We need to be willing to let go of bad habits and form new ones. We need to be willing to get out of the routine of life and be comfortable being uncomfortable, being okay with the unpredictability of taking risks and walking by faith. Let's embrace spontaneity and apply intentionality.
Trust in your song
Trust its novelty
Trust God in His creativity
Your individuality
These specific words need to root and bear deep into our soul. We need to trust in our new song and be okay if it causes discomfort. Trust its novelty; it will be new for others to see you do and be someone that they are not used to experiencing, but it will be refreshing and empowering for you and others around you. We need to trust in God's creativity; what he has placed in us, our talents, our desires, is worth something to this world. You are the only person that will ever sing your song of life. People need to hear it. What do you want people to remember about the song your life sang? Your new song this year needs to be heard to bring hope and encourage others to sing their own.
1) God has a new song for us to sing, and it is up to us to tune out the old and live out the new.
2) You are the only person that will ever sing your song of life.
“1 I waited patiently for the Lord;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in him.”
1) Reflect on the song your life sang in 2016. Think about the changes you want to make to your song for 2017.
2) Commit to making practical changes that take a plan of action.
For example, if you sang a song of low confidence and of self-hate, make a plan of action to commit to loving yourself better by eating healthier and surrounding yourself with more positive people.