Shape Day 8

As we venture into the 2nd week of 2017, we are going to be looking into Foster's inward disciplines, meditation and prayer, more closely today. Please do not take this week's inspiration as a to-do list that makes you feel like you are not doing enough. These disciplines are meant to free us, not confine or belittle us. Try to stay open-minded and be open to trying new things especially in practices that you are not accustomed to. 

God has given us the Disciplines of the spiritual life as a means of receiving his grace. The Disciplines allow us to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us.
— Foster, Richard J. Celebration of Discipline: The Path To Spiritual Growth (p. 7).

Meditation is a practice that can tend to be shoved aside when life gets too busy. We all live busy lives, and thinking to be still, silent, and attempting to center yourself may seem unrealistic and unproductive. Meditation has become misunderstood, and it is a vital practice in the Christian faith that has many benefits. The purpose of meditation is to establish a "familiar friendship with Jesus" and "the aim is to bring this living reality into all of life" (19-20).

There are 4 different types of meditation that Foster's book highlights: Meditatio scripturarum, Re-collection (Palms Down, Palms Up), Creation Meditation, and Prophetic Meditation. 

1) Meditatio scripturarum is picking a portion of scripture in which you meditate and rest your mind on. This exercise is really useful with short verses that are easy to memorize. You focus your mind on this verse as a means to slow down and to be able to reflect on this verse throughout the day. 

2) Recollection (Palms Down, Palms Up) is a time of releasing and receiving. The first step is to put your palms down and recollect all the memories or experiences in your day and life that was negative in which you want to let go and release. After you have this time, you then move your palms up, and receive God's love, peace, and anything He desires to give you in that moment.

3) Creation Meditation deals with going outside and becoming observant and reflective to the nature around you. Choosing to identify God in the details of creation. This is a good way to slow down and enjoy the outdoors in a whole different way.

4) Prophetic meditation is a time of becoming updated with current events and going into deep prayer and meditation to search for God's guidance for the future. 

I encourage you to pick 1 of these 4 meditations that intrigues you and implement one of them today and throughout this week.

The next inward discipline that we will be looking at is prayer. Foster claims that "to pray is to change" (32). I think when we attempt to have an honest conversation with God about our needs and the needs of others, we are left changed and so do our circumstances even if it is does not happen right away. Prayer is a practice that many Christians are open with but being honest or vulnerable in our prayers lives, some may not be as open. 

I encourage you today to practice meditation and prayer with the mentality that these practices are not what change us; "it only places us where the change can occur" (8). 


1. Meditation and prayer are two practices that help us slow down and makes change in ourselves and in the world around us. 


9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
— 1 Corinthians 3:9 NIV
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
— Galatians 5:22-23 NIV


1. Pick 1 of the 4 meditation practices and implement one of them. Comment and share with others your experiences. Everyone's personal experience will be different. Connecting with God is the main purpose. 

2. Take time to pray throughout the day and make it as seamless as your breathing. Try to stay connected with God no matter if you are in the busiest or quietest part of the day. 

3. Between the two disciplines, which one is most challenging for you? Why?